PPL(A) Exams

The PPL theoretical exam can be taken anytime once your theoretical training is completed and upon approval by our flight school. Sessions are organised by the civil aviation authorities all year long.

Multiple choice questions cover the nine different subjects studied during the ground course. All the exams are computer-based and must be completed in one day.

You initially take all subjects at once. You must score at least 75% in each subject to achieve a pass. In case you fail a subject, you can have two more attempts. However, you must pass all exams within 18 months.

The practical exam is taken with an examiner approved by the Belgian authorities (also possible with examiners approved by other authorities). During the flight test (2 hours), you have to demonstrate your ability to perform the relevant procedures and manoeuvres with a degree of competency and of safety appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a PPL. Your instructor will only recommend you for the test when he considers that you are ready. The skill test shall be taken within six months of completing the flight instruction.

Caution! You must have passed all the theory exams before you can apply for the flight test.

Since 2008, you must also take an English proficiency test and you must meet Level 4.


You now hold your private pilot licence! You can take passengers on board of any aircraft for which you are qualified. Your licence enables you to fly any aircraft registered in the EU anywhere in the world.

> Night rating

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